Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Paradox and Dream" Reflection

"Paradox and Dream" Reflections

Paradox: "Fortunes are spent getting cats out of trees and dogs out of sewer pipes; but a girl screaming for help in the street draws only slammed doors, closed windows, and silence."

            This means is that many people will help animals before they would help their own kind. Also when people put up signs about missing dogs, they usually have a reward, which is usually money. This also means that when someone is in the need for help, people will not care and ignore the problem. When a pet is stuck in a tree or something, people will get police and firefighters just to get it down. If a pet is missing, many people will probably look for the it. When there are signs about missing children, it seems people don't bother even looking at the sign. 

            I can relate to this, because I have seen something like this on the news and heard of it. It was a video of a little girl getting run over by more than one car. The people in the cars did not bother to even stop to see what it was. Many people also saw her lying on the ground, and didn't care to get help. Those people just kept on walking and ignored the situation. I have heard from many relatives and friends that they have rescued a dog or cat. I have heard more about people saving animals than people saving people. 

Paradox:"We proudly insist that we base our political positions on the issues - and we will vote against a man because of his religion, his name, or shape of his nose."

            This means that people judge people before they really get to know someone. If someone has a different religion then, people will judge him or her for it. Also people judge people a lot from just the way they look. If someone who looks "weird", most people will assume that he or she is weird. This is horrible, because people always judge people before even knowing them. A lot of People will say bad things to one another because they they have a different religion, name, or look.

            I can relate to this, because I have seen and heard many people judging one another by what they wear or what their hobbies are in school. Again, many people just assume that a person is like that, because of the way they do things. I think at one point everyone has judged someone for something they do, say, or wear, including me. Maybe it's because I hear my friends being judgmental or something else, and we just follow them. Whatever it is we will always think something that may or may not be true about someone.

I commented on Justin'sJared's, and Evie's Blog.

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