Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blog Sept. 24, 2015

            Something that is the same in both the article and book Of Beetles and Angels is the idea of belief and not being afraid. I think that in the book, religion was a big part in Haileab's life. In the book it states, "No matter how much the strangers resembled beetles, my father always maintained that they could be angels..." This shows that Haileab believed in God and and was a religious person because he believed that some people were angels. In the article Hasan believes that Allah (their god) will help him and protect him. This shows that he is also religious like Haileab. The other idea in both the article and book is how Mawi and Hasan are fearless of some things. In the book it states, "But whenever I found Mbago alone and he said anything mean to me, I always pounced on him and made him cry." This shows that Mawi was not afraid of bullies as a child and wouldn't be afraid to tell them something. In the article it says that Hasan witnessed a dead body of a child being washed ashore. After seeing this it didn't change his mind about doing the swim. This shows that he is fearless like Mawi is for certain things. 

            Individuals that have similarities in both the book and article are Haileab, and his family, and Hasan, and his family. In the book Mawi explains how Haileab left them while they were still in a camp, so he wouldn't get killed, or taken away. Hasan is going to meet his family when he crosses to Greece. They connect because Haileab is like Hasan's family, like how they are going to wait for someone. Haileab's family is like Hasan, like how they both are going to find someone far away. In the book it states, "... Hoping that we could make it to Sudan and find my father." This is similar to Hasan how he is going to his family, because they both had to go long distances. In the article it says that Hasan is going to swim to Greece, they go to Germany, where his family is near. This shows that both of the families in the article and book are similar in a way. 
            War affects individuals and societies in numerous ways. Before wars people can be healthy, with many supplies. Then they can become malnourished with a very scarce amount of food, shelter, and water. War can affect societies from having a happy feeling to a very negative one. People who have expirienced this will know that people do change. Someone can go from a very happy person, to someone who is always dismal or angry. Wars can also turn someone who was very healthy to someone who needs medical or pyhcological help. Societies are filled with people who are depressed or hurt. Many refugees are like this, because they have lost everything they had before the war. They might have lost their education, friends, home, family, or even all of it. War has a very negative tone to it, because it can bring people to their worst, mentally, and physically.