Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Reading Project: Blog 3

Prompt: Pick 3 pictures that represent your reading. Write a paragraph for each, telling what each item says about what you've been reading. 
Speak by: Laurie Halse Anderson
Pages read: 0 - 93

            The first picture that represents my reading is of a tree. In the book, Melinda has to take an art class. In that class their whole year was to to pick an object to draw, and they would have to work with that picture throughout the whole school year. The object they got they had to have to draw, paint, carve it, and more. The art teacher had pieces of paper with the object they had to draw in a broken globe. They had to randomly pick one piece of paper out without looking. The word she got was "tree". Just as she was going to put it back, because it was "too easy", he told her that she couldn't. He said "You just chose your destiny, you cant change that." Every drawing she draws of a tree, is too simple, and isn't good enough for her art teacher Mr. Freeman. She gets better at it though the year.

            The second picture that represents my reading is of Melinda (from the  movie) have her lips stitched together. In highschool Melinda is very quiet. Many people dislike her because of what she did one year. One year there was at party, and she felt the need to call the police, because something bad had happened to her, and she was scared. Everyone found out it was her who called the police, and were very angry at the fact that people got busted for going to that party. Now she keeps quiet, and tries not to talk to anyone. It is not like she doesn't want friends. She wants to have a group to hang  out with but it is very hard for her to do that, because so many people  knew what she had done. She has made one friend named Heather, but only because she was new and didn't know her. In the book she only talks to a few people, and tries to keep quiet.

            The third picture that represents my reading is of a person alone. She had friends before the whole party incident. She even had her own "clan" like everyone else. They would do everything together. They even dressed as the same thing for Halloween. Now all of her old friends won't even talk to her, or even make eye contact. In the beginning of the year she was completely lonley. She didn't have anyone to talk to, and everyone just ignored her, and looked at her weird. Until she met Heather, but even she didn't seem to like how Melinda acted sometimes. Melinda felt like they were both invisible, so it was no use to join clubs so more people know them. She can't even talk to her parents, because they wont understand her. Melinda and her parents argue sometimes. Her parents sometimes just leave notes for Melinda to read when she gets home.

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